Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED)


On 1st of June 2020, Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) organized the International Children Festival for CED students.


On 4th of June 2020, Ms. Duong Phuong Hanh – Director of Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) was invited to cooperate in developing the app Vietnamese voice-to-text, translating exactly 85% for students in universities, workshops, conferences.


On 5th of June 2020, the project “Promoting initial legal support and policy implementation in patient visitation and medical examination for people with hearing loss (deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened)” of Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) was approved by the Justice Initiatives Facilitation Fund (JIFF).

See more details at 


On 5th of June 2020, Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) welcomed the evaluation team from the Justice Initiatives Facilitation Fund (JIFF) visiting CED and evaluating CED’s approved project “Promoting initial legal support and policy implementation in patient visitation and medical examination for people with hearing loss (deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened)”.


On 10th of June 2020, students of Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) prepared for drawing for the arts exhibition by My Thuat Bui, which would be organized in July 2020. The topic chosen by the students was “Dream and Hope”.



On 10th of June 2020, Ms. Ton Nu Thi Nhi – Vice Director of Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) welcomed Representatives from Vietnamese Women Institute and Vietnamese Women Union visitng CED and getting to know the children with hearing loss. Ms. Ton Nu Thi Nhi was also interviewed about the status and solutions for developing ecosystem by Social Enterprises in Vietnam, suggesting policy for developing Social Enterprise to Parliament and Government.


On 12th of June 2020, Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) organized the lesson “Online Study Skills” for 5 CED students, including steps for Internet safety, privacy protection and avoiding potential risks. Always ready with solutions available for education/intervention for each child in any case, no matter how much serious in their hearing loss and no matter how difficult in their interaction and behaviors… is the motto of CED.


On 13th of June 2020, Ms. Ton Nu Thi Nhi – Vice Director of Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) shared about “Skills for Communication with Hard of Hearing People” for students at Architect Faculty – Van Lang University.


From 17th of June 2020, Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) organized drawing class every Wednesday for all CED students after the long holidays because of COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing topics vary from session to session each mont, and in June, students learned more about cut and paste sailboat,.. They learned about simple strokes, structure, color scheme, layout, etc…


On 22nd of June 2020, Ms. Ton Nu Thi Nhi – Vice Director of Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) signed the contract with Ms. Lam Ngoc Thao – CEO of LIN Center for Community Development at LIN office. The contract included the supporting package for non-profit organization in order to restore as well as sharing the difficulty in the time of COVID-19 pandemic.



On June 24 – 25, 2020, Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) joined the training in Hanoi on “Project Management for organisations receiving funding from the 2nd call by the Justice Initiatives Facilitation Fund (JIFF).

See more details at:




“CED’s Hearing Aid Fund Report”: In June 2020, CED’s Hearing Aids Fund grated 9 hearing aids for 5 children/adults with hearing loss (2 males, 3 females) who live in poor families.


1.Trinh Tuong Vy, An Giang (2 hearing aids)

2. Phan Thi Huyen, Hanoi (2 hearing aids)

3. Nguyen Quang Huy, Gia Lam – Hanoi (2 hearing aids)

4. Nguyen Thanh Long, Ho Chi Minh city (2 hearing aids)

5. Phi Kha Han, Ho Chi Minh city (1 hearing aid)


On behalf of them, Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) respectfully thanked to the German Lions Foundation and Hear And Say for granting the hearing aids and thanks to Quang Duc Hearing Aid Service LLC for supporting in installing the hearing aids for children/adults.


Peer Consultation/Counseling


In June, Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) conducted 101 consultation/counseling cases on education, training, skills programs, hearing aids, jobs, consultation for parents who have dificulties in teaching children with hearing loss, sign language, etc…


CED News.



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